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 WORLD HEMA DAY 2023Introduction - Rules - Awards - Access
September 1st & 2nd 2023 sees the first World HEMA day.

HEMA is a summit awards scheme which started in the UK but has spread across Europe and into Australia and is still growing.

It is a scheme more for the hill walker than the mountaineer but also not a scheme for those who want to operate from their cars. Leisurely exercise, fresh air and good radio contacts make up the typical HEMA activation.

So what’s happening on this „World HEMA Day“? Not another contest?

NO – this is most definitely not a contest rather an excuse to get out onto a HEMA Summit and talk to those on other summits or to chasers from their homes. Get out for as long or as short a time as you want and talk to as many or as few of the callers as you like. A week after the event the HEMA database will be scanned for who made successful Summit to Summit contacts within the 24 hours of WHD you will be sent your own certificate via email. (so make sure you enter your HEMA log in good time – logs entered after the 8th will not be considered).

The event runs from 1200 UTC on Friday September 1st to 1200 UTC Saturday September 2nd. What? But you said it was a day and why does it start on Friday, when many are still working? Well actually it IS one day – but only if you live in New Zealand (I said this was world HEMA day, remember). Actually the timing is to give everyone a chance – those who can operate on Friday and avoid the contest QRM and for those who are working, there is Saturday as well. Within this window, there are also DX opportunities on HF and MF depending upon the time you chose to go out to your summit, long path. short path, greyline, even Sporadic-E if you are lucky.

Of course with more activators on the summits, you have a better chance of finding the first activation of a summit. Perhaps you will make the first ever HEMA to HEMA contact from your DXCC to one of the other DXCCs. There are several HEMA awards to be earned – go to the website at to get the details and take advantage of the extra activity on the summits.